Student Mentoring Program

What is CoreLight’s Mentoring Program?

A CoreLight mentor is available to guide and support you as you move through any of the courses in the Enlightenment Studies Program.

The mentors are a circle of loving beings dedicated to supporting their peers on the path of spiritual transformation and awakening. Mentors are fellow students who studied directly with Leslie and who have completed the Enhanced Self-Discovery program (formerly called Teacher Training). They offer their time in the spirit of friendship. Many of them have had years of experience assisting awakening souls.

Mentors are available for guidance, processing and support with problem solving by phone and online. Mentors assist others in dissolving dependence on outside authorities and in turning to the inner core for one’s own authority. They offer an attitude of heart-centered listening, humility and the neutral witness.

Mentoring is not therapy, nor is it a replacement for therapy.

Once you’ve been accepted into the course and have chosen a mentor, the first session is free. After the first session, the fee is $100 per session. Sessions are usually one hour.

If you are an enrolled student, you can check the directory, see their pictures and read their bios here.