
The Respectful Revolution: Leslie Temple-Thurston and Seeds of Light

The Respectful Revolution documents positive actions throughout the United States with short video portraits. Leslie Temple-Thurston, a spiritual teacher who believes wholeheartedly in the virtue of “applied enlightenment”, was interviewed by Gerard Ungerman and Stacey Wear of Respectful Revolution. Having grown up during the time of South Africa’s Apartheid, she realized early on the importance of applying respect, tolerance and generosity to the world and to society. More recently, after witnessing first-hand the horrendous ravages caused by AIDS in Africa, she started Seeds of Light, an organization dedicated to helping AIDS orphans in rural areas of South Africa.

The Ebb and Flow of Light and Dark (excerpt)

Join Leslie Temple-Thurston at this intimate, small-group retreat in South Africa for a discussion about the journey of spiritual awakening and moving beyond suffering and into the state of enlightenment.

This is a 10 minute excerpt from the full 45 minute video which is available to purchase on DVD through the CoreLight webstore.

Earth Healing Pilgrimages to the American Southwest

A journey to the Southwest is an initiation, a pilgrimage to an enchanting land imbued with rugged natural beauty and great spiritual power. It is an opportunity to reconnect with an ancient time and place when the land was honored and revered, when Mother Earth was held as sacred. The extraordinary sites we visit still hold that sacred vibration, and the spirit of the Anasazi Indians—the ancient ones—is a palpable presence there. As we make our meditative, mystical sojourn and contemplate our connection with these holy places, the soul stirs, and we awaken to our vast, timeless eternality. Narrated by Brad Laughlin

Leslie Temple-Thurston Interview

The Power of One

We have the power to change the world. Whether it is one extraordinary individual, or a group of individuals of one heart and one mind, never doubt that we can. An inspiring, uplifting 5-minute music video, The Power of One touches the heart and delivers a message of hope and peace for the world in these troubled times.

The Quiet Revolution


We wrote and created this presentation for the world—we hope you enjoy it and we invite you to share it freely.To watch the video in Full Screen Mode (recommended), click full screen icon in the bottom right corner of the viewer. Fullscreen iconYou can also click here to download the PowerPoint presentation to your computer. (PC users can right click and choose ‘Save As’ or open. Mac users can click and choose to open or save.)Para a versão em português, por favor clique aqui.If you don’t have PowerPoint, you can download a free version of PowerPoint Viewer from Microsoft’s website here.

One Hat One Heart

Seeds of Light volunteer, Jennifer Traeger, was inspired to knit warm winter hats for the orphaned and vulnerable children who are part of our community of schools in Acornhoek, South Africa—an area where one in three people is HIV+ and where poverty is extreme. “I was inspired by a beautiful Native American prayer, which says in part, ‘all children are our children…every child is our precious child,’” explains Jennifer. When other knitters from around the world learned about her efforts, the project snowballed, and 176 hats—hand-knitted with love—were delivered to orphans in South Africa. Creating a bridge of love and caring between worlds, Seeds of Light’s new and on-going program, “One Hat One Heart”, was born. Visit to find out how to participate, get hat knitting instructions or make a donation.

Heroes, Hope and Heart

Seeds of Light founder, Leslie Temple-Thurston shares the inspirational beginnings of her gift of service to South Africa’s AIDS orphans and marginalized communities.“We believe that love is the most powerful force in the universe, and it is through love that the world will change. Love never divides. It always multiplies.”
—Leslie Temple-Thurston